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Retreats And Focus Days

Student retreats and focus days help students deepen their relationships with God, begin to grasp their personal spirituality, and gain lifelong friendships. St. Patrick-St. Vincent Catholic High School provides one-day and overnight retreats for every grade level. Members of the Campus Ministry Core Team plan and lead all retreats in conjunction with alumni, faculty members, our Chaplain, and Campus Ministers.


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Focus Days

Freshman Focus Day

Freshman Focus Days are five one-day retreats of community building activities that gives freshmen the opportunity to get to know one another within their religion classes as school begins and establish their identity as a class. They are held in August at the St. Catherine of Siena Parish Life Center in Vallejo. The day begins and ends with prayer. Parents prepare lunch and snacks.


Alpha Retreat

The Alpha Retreat is the first retreat in a series of three that students may attend at SPSV. It focuses on the personal history of each student, the choices made each day that lead us to or away from God and others, and God’s desire for [them]. Students share experiences and beliefs, participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and engage in many community building activities. Student retreat leaders facilitate the retreat in tandem with adult leaders. Student-led prayer is woven through the days occur throughout the retreat. The retreat is two days and one night and is open to all students from freshman through senior years.