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Course Catalog

The course of study at St. Patrick-St. Vincent Catholic High School is predominantly college preparatory. However, not all students desiring a Catholic education plan to go to a four-year college or a community college. Efforts are made to direct a student into a program consistent with the capacity and potential of the student. In some cases, students may be encouraged to pursue non-academic careers. Yet all students will be exposed to ample opportunity to discover and develop their true educational potential.


The St. Patrick-St. Vincent Catholic English Department educates in the belief that all the essential components of life - individual and social, historical and scientific, cultural and spiritual - are experienced through the study of literature. During the eight semesters required, the department is committed to developing students who read, reflect, speak, and write both critically and creatively. The department offers a program whose progression of courses challenges students to develop both oral and compositional skills, as well as an understanding for and appreciation of a variety of lives, cultures, and philosophies.

In order to provide students with academic choices in their English curriculum, the department uses a two-year rotating schedule for Junior-Senior level classes.

Year A 

Year B 

AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition

College Reading & Writing / Stories of Life
The American Dream / Contemporary Literature

AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition

College Reading & Writing / The Odyssey of Youth
Literary Environments / World Classics


This course strives to address weaknesses in basic language arts skills; the primary focus is to build reading comprehension and written expression skills. Students practice active reading skills and read grade level material. Writing instruction addresses a variety of writing traits. Students learn and practice the writing process in their efforts to develop their writing skills. Students study and practice formal oral presentation skills. Students begin their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: English I is required of all Freshman


This course addresses the on-going development of reading, writing, and communication skills of students who possess a solid foundation in language arts. Students read a wide variety of literature and study traditional and innovative literary forms and structures. Students learn and practice the writing process in their efforts to develop their writing skills. Students study and practice large- and small-group discussion skills to develop their oral communication abilities. This course seeks to advance critical thinking skills and to explore the relevance of material in a modern context. Students begin their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: English I is required of all Freshman


This course continues to expose students to a wide variety of literature and to develop the basic language arts skills of reading comprehension, writing, oral communication, and critical thinking. Students’ writing instruction continues to use the writing process with the expectation that students continue to integrate this process into their approach to writing assignments across the curriculum. Students practice and integrate reading strategies to continue to build their reading comprehension skills. Students continue to develop their oral communications skills through both large and small group discussions and through formal presentations. Students exhibit an appropriate level of sophistication and complexity in their critical thinking skills and continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of ACP English I or CP English I.


This challenging course includes elements currently found in CP English II but explores the material in more depth and may use more challenging texts. The main goal of this course is for students to advance their language arts skills in preparation for advanced studies in the junior and senior years. Students read a wide variety of classic and modern literature and study traditional and innovative literary forms and structures. Students continue to practice the writing process but are also expected to integrate the process into their approach to writing across the curriculum. Students are expected to read and write independently and to integrate reading and writing strategies in their efforts to develop their reading and writing skills. This course seeks to advance critical thinking skills and to explore the relevance of material in a modern context. Students continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.


  • Completion of semester 1 and 2 of ACP English I with an 85% B or higher, achieving at least 200 words in level 2 of Membean and evidence of strong annual progress, Renaissance GE score of at least 11.0, active classroom performance.
  • Completion of semester 2 CP English I with an 90%, achieving at least level 2 in Membean and strong annual progress, Renaissance GE score of at least 11.0, active classroom performance. Requires teacher recommendation.


Offered to both juniors and seniors, this AP course engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts, and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer’s purposes, audience expectations, and subject, as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. (College Board, 2009) Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.


  • Completion of semester 1 and 2 of English II Honors or previous AP English class with an 85% or higher. Or completion of English II (CP) and semester English course with a sustained grade of 90% A- or higher.
  • Achievement of level 3 or higher in Membean, Renaissance GE of at least 11.0 (this requirement applies only to sophomores), PSAT/ AP Potential Status, active classroom.
  • Exceptions must be approved by the English department chair.


Offered to both juniors and seniors, this course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. (College Board, 2009) Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.


  • Completion of semester 1 and 2 of English II Honors or previous AP English class with an 85% or higher. Or completion of English II (CP) and semester English course with a sustained grade of 90% A- or higher.
  • Achievement of level 3 or higher in Membean, Renaissance GE of at least 11.0 (this requirement applies only to sophomores), PSAT/ AP Potential Status, active classroom.
  • Exceptions must be approved by the English department chair.


Students explore the concept of the American Dream from its beginnings through its evolution in modern society. This focus helps inform students about the origins of American culture and guides them as they read novels, short stories, poetry, and essays that explore the experiences of various groups. Students examine the historical contexts of readings as they explore the themes of freedom, justice, sacrifice, and citizenship. Through essays, discussions, multimedia projects, and an oral history project, students also explore cultural values of various populations and the influence these values have on an individual character’s pursuit of the American Dream. Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. Students may take this course only once. Open to both juniors and seniors.


This course is designed to help students who are likely to need additional support in English before enrolling in college level courses at a CSU campus. Senior international students (ELL) and seniors who need extra support in reading and writing skills are required to take this course in the first semester of their senior year. The course assignments emphasize the in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. This course is not appropriate for students who have taken honors or AP level English classes.


This course focuses on literature from the 20th and 21st. Centuries. The course explores the issues addressed in the literature of this time period as well as examining themes and shifting perspectives in literature. Students will continue to work on reading comprehension and literary analysis skills through class discussions, writing assignments, and oral presentations. Students will also continue to hone their writing skills for clarity, interest, and insight. Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.


This course focuses on the life stories of a variety of historical and modern day figures. The goal of the course is to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of human beings. Students investigate cultural and historical influences affecting the people studied. Students study the writing styles and techniques of authors in order to learn how to develop personal writing skills. In addition, students practice personal writing skills by creating original compositions (interviews, and biographical and autobiographical texts). Students continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. Students may take this course only once. Open to both juniors and seniors.


This course explores the powerful connection between human beings and their environment. Students will explore this relationship in a variety of contexts, including, cultural, political, and social through the reading of poems, essays, short-stories, and non-fiction texts. Students will continue to practice essay writing skills, as well as, oral presentation skills, and reading comprehension skills. Students will also continue to work on vocabulary using Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. Students may take this course only once. Open to both juniors and seniors.


Students taking this course explore the challenging experiences that cause them to grow into adults. Students read both classic and modern texts, novels, short stories, and dramas. Students analyze the influence of culture on the lives of young people, compare and contrast choices of characters and their situations, consider options, and analyze how this universal process is adapted in modern society. Students actively engage in classroom and online discussions of themes and issues explored in the various texts. Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. Students may take this course only once. Open to both juniors and seniors.


This course explores a variety of texts that have stood the test of time and have remained relevant to human experiences. Students develop an understanding of the elements of the readings that make them timeless: universal themes, elegance and/or rawness of style, and imaginative use of language, to name a few. Students write essays of literary analysis and exposition and participate in a variety of formal and informal discussion forums. In addition, students regularly follow current events and demonstrate their ability to connect classic texts to real-world situations and human experiences. Students also continue their study of vocabulary using the online tool Membean.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of English I and English II. Students may take this course only once. Open to both juniors and seniors.